Estimates of genetic parameters and breeding values for New
Zealand and Australian Angus cattle
K. Meyer
Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research46 : 1219-1229.
Genetic parameters and adjustment factors for birth, weaning, yearling
and final weight were estimated for the New Zealand Angus population,
fitting an animal model including maternal genetic and permanent
environmental effects as additional random effects. Overall, pooled
covariance matrices agreed well with those for Australian Angus,
though heritability estimates for birth weight were somewhat lower
than in Australian Angus. BREEDPLAN estimates of breeding values and
their accuracies were obtained for each population separately.
Correlations between estimates for sires with accurate proofs in both
countries agreed with their expectations, giving no indication of a
genotype x environment interaction. A joint genetic evaluation,
using adjustment factors specific to each country but the same
covariance matrices is recommended.