! ==================== program read_nrminv ! ==================== ! auxiliary program to WOMBAT to examine contents of binary file(s) ! "nrmivers_.bin" -> inverse of numerator relationship matrix implicit none integer :: i, ii, nan, nnrm, jj real(8) :: detl, xx character(len=14) :: nrmfile ='nrminvers1.bin' ! set no. 1, 2,... as required ! open file & read header open(44,file = nrmfile, status ='old', form = 'unformatted', action ='read') read(44) nan read(44) nnrm, detl read(44) xx ! read elements of lower triangle, row-wise & write to screen do i = 1, nnrm read(44) ii, jj, xx write(*,'(2i10,f12.4)') ii, jj, xx end do close(44) stop 'end of READ_NRMINV' end program read_nrminv ! @C K.M.