====== Example 11 for WOMBAT ====== Download [[http://didgeridoo.une.edu.au/km/download.php?file=example11.tar.gz|example11.tar.gz]] This example illustrates the use of a bivariate random regression analysis and shows how a multivariate RR analysis can be used to fit a standard multivariate model with a `tricky' residual covariance structure. The data are simulated records - obtained by simulating two (unrelated) samples for the data in Example 3 (see file ''sim.par'' for the population parameters used) for B. * **A**: Demonstrates how a multivariate RR analysis can be used to carry out a `standard' multivariate analysis for traits with repeated records - this allows for proper modelling of the residual covariances when there is an arbitray pattern of records taken at the same or different times. * **A1**: As A, put using a multivariate analysis (MUV) with the ''ALIGNED'' option. * **B**: Bivariate RR analysis fitting a regression on quadratic Legendre