Example 16
Download example16.tar.gz
This example shows what options are available in WOMBAT to fit `social interaction' type models.
- DirectoryA: This directory shows an example run for simulated data for a dilution factor of 0, treating direct and social genetic effects as uncorrelated.
- Directory B: As A, but allowing for a non-zero genetic covariance
- Directory C: As B, treating social group and residual variances as heterogeneous.
- Directory D: Fitting the same model as in B to data simulated with a non-zero dilution factor, this directory shows the multiple runs required to estimated this factor using a quadratic approximation to the profile likelihood.
- DirectoryZ: Larry Schaeffer has some notes which contain a very simple example. (available as: www.aps.uoguelph.ca/~lrs/ABModels/NOTES/SSocial.pdf) This subdirectory shows how to obtain the BLUP solutions given using WOMBAT.
File RNote_WOMBATSocial.pdf gives further details.